Maintain Table Pool

Step type: Complex user interface.

Step description: This step allows you to maintain the table pool. The main functions are:

  • Activate or deactivate table: Activates or deactivates a table.

  • Add or remove table: Adds or removes a table.

  • Lock or unlock table: Locks or unlocks a table.

  • Set WHERE condition: Sets the WHERE condition.

  • Table labeling: In the Short description field, you can leave a comment related to the table. For example, if the customer requested full processing of the table in an e-mail sent on a particular date.

NOTE You can double-click an individual object in the ALV grid displayed after the execution to navigate to the respective object maintenance screen.

Detailed functions: The initial screen allows you to restrict the displayed tables based on the following parameters:

  • Table name: Select option to restrict the displayed tables.

  • Active: Option to restrict the list of displayed tables depending on whether they are active or not.

  • Setup: Filter the tables according to the setup:

    • Preselection filter: Shows only tables with filtering based on the business object values collected by the preselection.

    • Rule assigned: Shows only tables with any rule assignments.

    • Full load: Shows only tables for which no preselection or rule is used for data processing. Relevant for the Migration scenario only.

  • Client dependency: Restricts the list of displayed tables depending on whether they contain the client field (client-dependent) or not (client-independent).

After you click Execute, an ALV grid with the following columns appears:

NOTE The detailed functions are described below.
  • Table name: Table name in the SAP repository.

  • Active: Flag indicating whether a table is active or not. Active tables are considered for further processing. Inactive tables are excluded from further processing. Tables that are manually deactivated are shown in the comment, but also in the field deactivation reason. These fields are filled automatically if this option is not selected.

  • Lock: Flag indicating whether a table is locked. Tables with the lock flag (the closed lock icon) are ignored by any automatic processing such as the DTS table pool builder or the assignment of a transformation rule/business object. Locked tables typically come from the predefined content. However, you can also use the Lock option in projects to ensure that the setup for processing the table does not change accidentally.

  • Deactivation / activation reason: Specifies the reason for the deactivation or activation. You can use the search help to view more details about the deactivation reason.

  • Rule filter: Flag indicating that a DTS rule is assigned to the table.

  • Preselection filter: Flag indicating that a business object table is used for filtering.

  • Full load: Flag indicating that all data will be migrated. Only relevant for the Migration scenario.

  • WHERE condition: Shows the first 200 characters of the defined WHERE condition. The WHERE condition is yet another way of filtering the processed records. The entered WHERE clause is generated into the SELECT statement in the read task. It is also used for building the parallel read partitions.

  • Edit (WHERE condition editor): Button to edit the WHERE condition.

  • Client specific: Flag indicating whether the client field is present in the table.

  • Short description: Description of the table from the SAP DDIC.

  • Package: SAP package to which the table is assigned.

  • Application component: SAP application component to which the table is assigned.

  • Comment: Short description for the DTS project reference. For example, the text DEFAULT CONTENT is shown for the tables that come from the loaded content packages.


  • Toolbar functions:

    • Save (Ctrl+S): Performs consistency checks and saves your changes.

    • Edit/display (Ctrl+F1): Switches between edit mode and display mode.

    • Mark as done (Shift+F1): Specifies that the scope setup is finished for this activity and that no further changes are expected. It also disables edit mode.

    • Table pool/Technical settings: Switches the ALV grid view to display the execution strategy for the table. For more information, see the step Maintain technical settings.

    • Setup > Undo mark as done: Reverses the Mark as done function.

    • Setup > Expert mode: Enables expert mode, in which all consistency checks are disabled. This is used only for content build purposes. Do not use this function in customer projects.

  • ALV grid functions:

    • Double-clicking the table name provides an overview of the table setup and status in DTS. For more information, see the chapter DTS Table Level Overview.

    • Double-clicking the other cells navigates to the respective object details.

    • The application bar provides the following functions. Note that some functions are only visible in edit mode:

      • Mass update: See the chapter Performing Mass Changes in the DTS Setup Maintenance.

      • Number of tables: Shows a pop-up with the number of tables loaded in the ALV grid. The number might change if you have defined a restriction on the initial screen.

      • Lock: Icon that sets the lock flag for the tables selected in the ALV grid.

      • Unlock: Icon that unsets the lock flag for the tables selected in the ALV grid.

      • The other functions are standard ALV grid functions.